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Sunday 29 November 2020

2021 State budget: Gov’t’s Roadmap to Focus On Stimulation Of Economic Activities

PM suggest economic, social resilient strategies as solution to realising action plan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic 

By Doh Bertrand Nua
Prime Minister Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute has disclosed that government’s 2021 plan of action will focus on stimulating economic recovery of the country.  

PM Dion Ngute at Parliament, presenting gov't's 2021 roadmap 

The Head of Government made the revelation Wednesday 25 November 2020 while unveiling government’s economic, financial, social and cultural action plan for 2021 financial year at the National Assembly. This was during plenary session chaired by House Speaker, Hon. Cavaye Yeguie Djibri. 

The PM suggested that based on the multiple and complex challenges faced by government in the 2020 notably the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic which negatively affected the country’s economy as well as security challenges in some regions, it would be wise to adopt and implement economic and social resilient strategies that would support the realisation of the said plan. 

He however said the implementation of the programme will depend on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic which is still a reality in the country. The presented roadmap is balanced in supply and use to the sum of FCFA 4 thousand 865 billion 200 million (4 865.2 billion). 

It has witnessed an increase of FCFA 232.5 billion in absolute terms and 5% in relative terms with respect to that of 2020. The PM explained that it is broken down into FCFA 4 thousand 670 billion as general budget and FCFA 195 billion 200 million for special allocations accounts. He predicted a rise in growth in 2021 at 3.4% assuming gradual recovery of economic recovery and an average crude bent oil price of 43.8 dollars per barrel.  

He revealed that the roadmap will pay attention to road works including 98 kilometres, for Phase 1 of the Yaounde-Douala and Kribi-Lolabe motorways; 423 kilometres of newly asphalted roads; 472 linear metres of constructed artwork and 532 linear metres of refurbished artwork as well as construction of some symbolic roads and artwork.

MPs in session, listening to PM Dion Ngute

Aside paying attention to the tightening of security nationwide, Dion, said government will lay emphasis on ongoing execution of various programmes to construct low-cost houses; start the rehabilitation of the Yaounde Municipal Lake and the renovation of the MINGOA valley; launch road works in several secondary towns; complete the construction of rainwater drainage systems to limit floods. 

He revealed focus will also be placed on construction of electricity transmission lines and the Bini hydropower dam in Warak, ensure maturation of anchor hydroelectric development projects, rehabilitate SONARA and increase storage capacities, fast-track the implementation of the project to supply potable water in the city of Yaounde and its environs from the Sanaga river; continue studies on the Rural Drinking Water Supply Project in 350 localities; begin the rehabilitation of 350 SCANWATER stations throughout the country.

Dion Ngute further told the MPs that government will in the domain of transport continue implementing the CAMAIR-CO restructuring plan; open cabotage line between the Kribi and Douala seaports; conduct feasibility study on the construction of a railway line linking Ngaoundere and Ndjamena; finalise the study on the construction of a pilot bus station in Limbe; boost meteorological and climatological services; expand and improve network on the national postal coverage; optimise telecommunications networks and services well as establish a digital collaboration platform for secondary schools.

The pan also touches on the improving the agropastoral and fish production,  implementing the investment plan for the Wakwa, Kounden and Lougguere breeding stations among others; valorise local products by commissioning the Kribi processing unit among others and set up a National File for SMEs with a target of 50 thousand registered SMEs.

While promising the creation of 5000 decent jobs, Dion Ngute said government will also increase infrastructure, digitalise teaching and strengthen measures to fight against drug consumption and violence in schools and universities, computerisation of judicial services; finalising the draft bilingual Civil Code, as well as the bilingual Civil and Commercial Procedures Code; elaborating preliminary bills on the execution of alternative sentences; continuing the construction and rehabilitation prisons and other infrastructures.
On the diplomatic front, he said government will organise bilateral meetings on cross-border issues with Central African Republic, Nigeria, Congo and Equatorial Guinea; continuing the implementation of the Emergency Humanitarian Assistance Plan for the North West and South West Regions; setting up territorial branches for civil protection.

He said government will consolidate the achievements of the special status for the Anglophone regions by implementing all the envisaged measures, finalise enabling instruments of the General Code of Regional and Local Authorities; revise the law governing civil status; the revision of the law on local taxation; the establishment of regional councils, strengthen security nationwide among many others. 

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