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Wednesday 25 November 2020

Gulf Field University Institute Matriculates Newly Admitted Freshmen

By Doh Bertrand Nua 

Gulf Field University Institute of Petroleum, Mining, and Management Sciences, the first Authorised and Recognised Petroleum School in Cameroon and the CEMAC sub region has tasked her newly admitted students to be hard working in other to emerge as the real professionals that would help Cameroon attain its 2035 emergence vision.

Gulf Field Institute students showcase their know-how before parents at matriculation 

The advised was dished out to the over 100 freshmen during the matriculation ritual of students admitted for the 2020/2021 academic. 

The crowd pulling event November 21, 2020 was on the main campus of the prestigious institution at the seaside resort town of Limbe in the South West region. 

Hon. Kumase Simon Powoh who doubles the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of the Institution, in his welcome address to the freshmen and other invitees who turned out for the ritual, lauded parents for choosing to invest in the education of their children through the institution which he said is a veritable partner to help build youths into becoming professionals in diversInstitution

 Hon. Kumase Simon Powoh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of Gulf Field

He told his hearers that the institution does not only train the students to qualify them in the job market but equally trains them to become entrepreneurs in the future.

Gulf Field CEO talking to freshmen 

“The vision still remains which is to bring Cameroon to a productive system of education where children can talk about what they can do and not the type of certificates they have. The time of certificate is over and now is the time for what you can do,” Hon. Kumase Simon Powoh, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and Director of Gulf Field Institute,explained to parents and students. 

Students of Gulf Field

The Registrar on the institution which is rated as the fastest growing bilingual institute in the country and beyond, Flamine Powoh, used the matriculation ceremony to reiterate the mission of the institution to the students and parents. 

Cross-section of newly matriculated students 

He disclosed that prior to the matriculation ritual which formally welcomes students into the institution, the students were rigorously orientated in order to help them make good choices on their fields of specialisation. 

The President of the student association on his part used the ceremony to thank parents and sponsors for giving them the opportunity to study in the prestigious institution and promised on behalf of the students to remain hard working and ensure to graduate as professionals they look forward to become. 

He said with the skills they will acquire at the end of their academic programs, they are sure to assist government to attain the 2035 vision. 

The students used the matriculation ceremony to marvel parents and other visitors with presentations on their different departments. 

The matriculation coincided with a visit of inspectors from the Ministries of Higher Education, Employment and Vocational Training and Youth and Civic Education, all technical partners of the petroleum institution.  

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