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Wednesday 2 December 2020

Three Northern Regions: Population Rejects “Mouvement 10 million de Nordistes”

By Doh Bertrand Nua
The population of the Far North, North and Adamawa regions have distance themselves from the activities of now outlawed “Mouvement 10 million de Nordistes” and reaffirmed their support to the President of the Republic Paul Biya.
Population reaffirm support for President Biya 
The decision was the people of the three Northern regions was handed to Territorial Administration Minister, Paul Atanga Nji Sunday 29 November 2020. This was during a mission to ascertain the level of security in the regions ahead of the 6 December 2020 regional polls and the end-of-year festivities.

In memorandum handed to Paul Atanga Nji a copy of which The Median procured, the northerners stated their unconditional support to the development visions of the President Paul Biya and his politics of greater opportunities.

They unequivocally stated their attachment to the values of peace, dialogue, tolerance, national unity and integration and living together all incarnated by the president. They distance themselves from anything that threatens these values and vowed never to be a party to divisive and tribalism ideas.

The northerners in the document pledged their unalloyed support to the CPDM that continues to fight for the construction of their regions. In the release, the population enumerated development projects carried out by in the three regions under the leadership of President Biya and others earmarked for realization.

The population in a memorandum issued recalled all their development projects that have been earmarked for the region some of which have been realized under the leadership of the president of the republic.

To recall is the fact that the MINAT in a decision signed 18 November banned the group and described it as an illegal movement fanning unpatriotic and unacceptable actions in the country.

The group according to the MINAT was created and promoted by Guibai Gatama, Publisher of l’Oeil du Sahel newspaper and called on competent authorities in the regions to enforce the ban.

Worth noting is the fact that the movement recently lodged a complaint at the administrative court in Yaounde against the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reforms asking for the respect of the 30% admission quota reserved for northerners into the ENAM for the 2020/2021 academic year. The movement according to its members is out to defend the respect of people from the North, Far North and Adamawa regions. 

Minister Atanga Nji after receiving the memorandum called on the population to remain loyal to state authorities. He held security meetings administrative and security officials as well as held meetings with traditional rulers, and bike riders. He encouraged bikers to identify themselves with their respective council areas.

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