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Monday 14 December 2020

Walking The Talk Two Years As GM: Judith Yah Sunday Steadily Navigating CAMTEL To Remarkable Successes Amidst Hurdles

By Doh Bertrand Nua
Appointed 14 December 2018 by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya, Madam Judith Yah Sunday epse Achidi has officially clocked two years in office as pioneer female General Manager of Cameroon Telecommunications, CAMTEL. 
CAMTEL GM, Judith Yah Sunday, walking the talk two years on
The untiring GM has successfully engraved her mark in gold after two years at the helm of the company. Her shrewd managerial skills, fearless house-cleansing reforms and commitment to move on with her objective to position CAMTEL among the movers and shakers of digital business in the continent has recorded remarkable achievements. 

With close to three decades experience in governance and strategic management of enterprises, Yah Sunday, upon installation unveiled her strategic action plan which is hinged on "Customer Centricity" and "Change Management". 
GM delivery company's vision to personnel 
The three phase vision to be span 2019-2025 started in 2019 with stabilization and revival of the corporation whose economic strength was fading out before her appointment. It will continues with consolidation and expansion from which will span 2020-2021 and ensure becoming leader of digital transformation between 2022- 2025. 

Aside improving internet services, the Yah Sunday-led team is bent on piloting the national telecoms company to realise Cameroon’s digital economy as envisioned by President Paul Biya as well as reposition CAMTEL as a key actor in the country’s emergence vision.
CAMTEL personnel have confessed that the coming of Yah Sunday at the helm of the company has brought a new lease of life to the corporation. Her matchless inputs has contributed in revolutionising CAMTEL fetched her recognition from the media. She was declared the winner of “The Guardian Post 2019 Woman of The Year Award”. 
This according to the organ was for her fearless house-cleansing reforms that has brought about financial probity to the company. 
Personnel salute GM's reforms 
Staying focus on her vision to put CAMTEL among the movers and shakers of digital business in the continent as well as realise Cameroon’s digital transformation vision, the GM recently renovated Cameroon’s first satellite telecommunications centre built in 1975 in Zamengoe village, Okola Subdivision, Lekie division in the Centre region into an ultra-modern Data Centre.  
CAMTEL boss shaking hands with deputy at 2020 new year wishes 
Build in compliance with international standards with technical assistance from Huawei, the Data Centre which is the best in Central African Sub-region is a flagship project of the second component of the National Broadband Network Program (NBN2) of CAMTEL and will significantly enrich the country’s telecommunications ecosystem and that of the Sub-region as well as boost Cameroon’s sovereignty.
Renovated Ultra-modern data centre
In May 2020, CAMTEL management was added new impetus in its mission to optimize customer satisfaction with an international recognition from Bureau Veritas, a world leading consultant specialised in testing, inspection and certification of customer services. 

The ‘ISO 9001/2015’ certification, a global management recommendation for enterprises that seek to upgrade the gratification of clients' needs was granted CAMTEL as fruit of ten months of audit missions operated within the company wherein areas of weaknesses were identified and deadlines given for amelioration in a bid to assess CAMTEL’s level of conformity to the management process. 

As per a partnership agreement signed September 2020 between CAMTEL and the Ministry of Higher Education, the corporation will as from January 2021 boost the quality and speed of internet bandwidth supplied to all state universities and the Congo-Cameroon Inter-State University from 263 megabits per second at FCFA 552 million to 9333 megabits per second at FCFA 1 075 billion as well as establish digital development centres in all the universities to boost distance-learning, digitalisation, collaborative networking and secure connection between public and private universities in the country. 

Another breakthrough of Yah Sunday’s two years management is the granting of three concession agreements authorising CAMTEL in accordance with Article 97 of the Electronic Communications Law introduced in 2010 to establish and operate a mobile electronic communications network with national coverage open to the public, linked to 2G, 3G and 4G access technologies; operate a fixed electronic communications network with national coverage open to the public by wire line access and to operate an electronic communications network, including submarine cable landing stations and teleports to satellite networks. 

The historic operating licences would enable CAMTEL reorganise itself internally in order to be more competitive and effectively utilise the opportunity offered by elaborating on its organisational chart with view to create Business Units, get expertise from specialised firms for a successful implementation of analytical accounting within these Business Units. 

Yah Sunday’s open door policy and listening ear has permitted her to wipe the tears of the people of Ngaoundal Subdivision, Djerem Division in the Adamawa region by extending CAMTEL services to the area with construction of a branch which officially went operational in September.

The branch comprises a 55 metre tall tower erected to host the network station which comprises CDMA and LTE CAMTEL services that would permit locals to enjoy CAMTEL services – calls, internet among others unperturbed.

In a bid to right the wrongs in the management of public property, ensure security of government assets as well as curb mismanagement, Yah Sunday, with the assistance of experts from the Supreme State Audit Office, CONSUPE, organised a capacity building workshop to refresh the memories CAMTEL staff on the legal frameworks governing the management and assist in implementing the corporation’s vision which focuses on achieving positive assessable results in the handing of public wealth.
Yah Sunday celebrating women's day with CAMTEL women
Her clever financial management has rationalized spending and has fought tirelessly and banned over-billing in a bid to keep CAMTEL afloat as well as ensured that the company’s cost of production is brought down to its barest minimum. 

She has optimized cash-flow in the company and ensured steady supply in unrivalled quality of CAMTEL products (phones, mobile internet modems, fibre optic and copper cables for land lines) to partners. 

Her mastery of the company’s human resources has permitted her to install in personnel the virtues of punctuality, discipline and call to service as well as a strong system that sanctions latecomers, evaluates staff based on output and performance with increase in customer service.

CAMTEL’s internal debt woes have thoroughly been addressed, issues of pension also looked into, dues owed retired staff cleared, and work environment rendered more than ever before conducive. 

The GM has also visited the company’s pivotal services in Yaoundé, Kribi and Douala where she had first-hand the situation on the ground. She has rendered the company’s processes less cumbersome in the great interest of the customers, made the work environment conducive for personnel and also ameliorated quality of service and customer satisfaction. 

Her levelheadedness has permitted her to amicable handle issues related to a proposed new organizational chart which was to reduce the number of directors and sub directors from 135 to 62. 

This follows internal audits she did which indicated the sub directors had juicy packages but with nothing to show for in terms of production for the company. Within her two years leadership, CAMTEL has reactivated her corporate social responsibility. 

The company has been at the fore, sponsoring and assisting in the organisation of the Chantal Biya International Cycling Tour Grand Prix.
First Lady, Chantal Biya and CAMTEL GM at 2020 Int'l Cycling Tour
The GM has equally donated food and other basics to repentant separatist fighters in the NW region as well as rallied title women of the North West region to condemn the senseless killing of school children in Kumba, Meme Division. 
CAMTEL connections have incessantly come under attack from persons who attempt tarnishing her shining output. Yah Sunday has descried by many as a silent achiever at CAMTEL who allows her actions do the talking for her. 

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