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Sunday 31 January 2021

Kumba School Massacre: “Buea Road Pikin Them” Donates Over FCFA 3.2M Financial Aid To Victims

Sons and daughters of Buea road neighbourhood in Kumba, Chief Town of Meme Division in the restive South West Region resident at home and abroad have under the banner of their association, “Buea Road Pikin Them”, offered financial assistance to families whose children were gruesomely massacred on the Campus of Mother Francisca International Bilingual Academy 24 October 2020 by unidentified gunmen. 
BRPT VP, Bafaw Paramount Ruler, Families of Kumba School Massacre Victims pose for group picture after receiving financial assistance 
The donation in cash amounting to FCFA 3 269 000 million was handed to representatives of the families Sunday 31 January 2021 in Kumba. The event took placed at the palace of the paramount ruler of the Bafaw. 

Speaking while handing over the financial package to the seven families, the Vice President of association, Julius Esegemu Fossung Esua, said it was their own little way to console and condole with the affected families. 
USA-based Chief JN Fomenky II, President of BRPT home and abroad
Esua said though the murdered kids were not from Buea Road neighbourhood, the association felt touched by the cruelty and through the suggestion of the President, USA-based Chief J.N. Fomenky II, decided to open a fun drive to support the families. 

The Vice President said the suggestion was welcomed by all and sundry at home and abroad, who, saw the need to lend a helping hand to the families. 
Julius Esegemu Fossung Esua, Vice President of BRPT Association 
Esua on behalf of the association in the company of some home-based members saluted the courage of the families and called on them not to give up in prayers. 

He handed an envelope of FCFA 467 000 to each of the families as the association’s support for them to take care of some of their expenses. 

Results of investigations opened by government of the heinous Kumba killings are still to be made known as government and separatist leaders trade accusations at each other.  
School where suspected separatist attacked and killed seven students 
Government spokesman and Communication Minister, Rene Emmanuel Sadi days after the attack said separatist fighters were behind the gruesome killings while diaspora-based separatist leaders on their part accused government of committing the act to tarnish their image. 

A manhunt was launch to track down perpetrators by government. Two days after the macabre act, a separatist leader identified by as Wonke was neutralise by soldiers and weapons seized. He is said to have been part of the killers. 

A second suspect identified authorities as Ngwa Neba alias Commandant Zabbra was caught around the Kumba II DO’s office Tuesday 1 December 2020. 

The 24-year-old was nabbed while attempting to extort FCFA 5000 from an elderly man in a drinking spot.  He is said to have confessed to be a member of separatist gang operating in Kumba that carried out the act.  
Corpses of murdered kids being rushed to mortuary back in October 2020
The association has aside assisting the victims of the school massacre, being at the fore in the fight to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic within Buea road. 

They have handed anti-COVID-19 kits including mask and alcoholic gels to families living in the neighbourhood among others. 

While mapping out more development oriented projects including provision of public taps, boreholes, construction of culverts among others, the association has also contributed immensely in cleaning the neighbourhood through regular clean-up campaigns as well as sporting activities organised for members.

Representatives of the families expressed immense gratitude to the donors and prayed God to continue to blessed and provide for them in all their endeavours wherever they are found. 

Nfon Mukete IV Ekoko, Paramount ruler of the Bafaw under whose watchful eyes the donation was done used the occasion to thank the association for their good work of goodwill. 

He prayed them to do more for the development of the town and also prayed for return of peace and normalcy in the entire Division and the two crisis-hit regions. Also present at the event was the Mayor of Kumba I council. 

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