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Friday, 25 June 2021

CIESCO, Koutaba: 1008 Newly Graduated Officers Challenged To Uphold Professionalism

The Military Training Center for Non-commissioned Officers (CIESCO) formerly known as the National School for Active Non-commissioned Officers (ENSOA), has graduated its 5th batch of trainees availed with skills and knowledge to combat contemporary security challenges across the national territory. 
The 1008 elements were officially declared mentally, physically, intellectually and professionally fit to join different branches of the armed forces during a ceremony at the Koutaba Airborne Battalion training centre in Noun Division, West region Wednesday 16 June 2021.
The graduation ritual was presided over by Major General Philippe Mpay, Commander of Joint Military Schools and Training Centers (COMECIIA) in the presence of other top military brass of the region, administrative, municipal authorities of the area and a cross section of the population and invitees. 
Major General Philippe Mpay
The non-commissioned officers used the ceremony to demonstrate skills acquired during the two year training including emergency mounting of weapons for intervention, self-defense tactics, skills on how to disarm enemies without neutralizing, how to deactivate improvised explosive devices and skills on how to combat terrorist attacks among many others. 
Lt. Col. Mfomo
Addressing the graduates and invitees during the ceremony, the Commander of CIESO, Lieutenant Colonel Mfomo Jacques Theodore, saluted the courage exhibited by the trainees throughout the difficult two years. He particularly hailed the female officers who despite all odds never backed out of the training as opposed to few of their male counterparts. 

Mfomo told the Mayor General that the programme was divided two parts where the first year, known as probationary year, was used to train the elements to adapt to military life while the second year focused on professionalism. He assured hierarchy that the officers have adequately been armed with physical, spiritual, intellectual and professional skills to respond to all kinds of security challenges. 

Mfomo said the last part of the training which focused on testing the resistance of the officers saw them trek 400km from Koutaba to Yaounde. This, he said was after clearing 12 000 hectares of forest reserved and planting 30 000 trees as part of their service to the community. 

Mfomo revealed that a total of 1015 officers were received for the programme and 1008 successfully completed after 4 deserted, and 3 died. He harped on the demanding nature of the programme and disclosed that 1004 of the trainees took the final examinations but 27 failed. This, he said goes to show that certificates are not just distributed from the centre but merited because the field work requires but quality and professionalism. 

He enjoined the graduates to exhibit the professionalism imbibed in them during training wherever they are posted. The graduates included 566 Gendarmes and 442 military officers. Amongst them were 202 ladies. The training also had 76 military nurses constituting the second group of health personnel and few elements of the firefighting unit. 

Mfomo seized the opportunity to salute assistance gotten from hierarchy that enable them complete the training and hailed the trainee’s respect of Covid-19 barrier measures which prevented the centre from registering any case of the deadly virus. The graduates saluted their trainers for skills imbibed in them and said the difficult nature of the training has adequately prepared them for challenges awaiting them in the field.  

By Doh Bertrand Nua on assignment to Koutaba

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