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Tuesday 19 January 2021

Anglophone crisis: Kamto Proposes Debate On Form Of State As Part Solution

By Doh Bertrand Nua in Yaounde 
The leader of the Cameroon Renaissance Movement (CRM) party has said debate on the form of the state should be among other topics of discussions that would help the warring factions find lasting solutions to the four-year-long armed conflict in the North West and South West regions. 
MRC leader, Kamto Maurice 
Prof. Maurice Kamto made the proposal Tuesday 12 January 2021 while condemning the killing of close to nine persons including a woman and a child during a military raid in Mautu, a locality near Muyuka in Fako Division, SWR. 

The former member of Biya government now a stanch regime critic stated that for the crisis to be brought to an in the two regions, government must hold “an inclusive political dialogue to discuss the form of the state and consensual reform of the electoral system so that the people can elect legitimate leaders”. 

He went further and proposed other measures including “an immediate ceasefire, the release of all prisoners of the Anglophone crisis” as a way out to the war that keeps taking the lives of innocent Cameroonians on a daily basis. Kamto described the Mautu killings as “one more horror in Cameroon”. 

“…I condemn this horror and offer my condolences to the bereaved families. How many more deaths will it take for the guns to fall silent and for a political solution to finally be initiated in the North West and South West regions?” Kamto rhetorically questioned. 

Despite eye witness accounts accusing soldiers of being the perpetrators of the act, Defence Ministry has denied committing the act in the course of the raid. Colonel Atonfack in a release noted that only separatist who opened fire on soldiers were killed and not women and children.  

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