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Tuesday 16 February 2021

Crisis in NW, SW: Anglophone Problem Has Been Misused By Irresponsible People, Debt Collectors – Fru Ndi

Ni John Fru Ndi, Chairman of Social Democratic Front, SDF Party
The National Chairman of the opposition Social Democratic Front, SDF party, has said the genuine problems of the Anglophones that raised by common law lawyers and teachers in early 2016 has been misused by irresponsible people holding positions of leadership in the crisis that has now morphed into an armed conflict. 

Ni John Fru Ndi, made the declaration in an interview he granted radio Siantou after a press dinner at his Yaoundé residence Thursday 11 February 2021 while commenting on the twist the ongoing armed conflict in the North West and South regions has taken. 

“…the leadership of the so-called Ambazonia outside should rethink and revisit their strategies…the Anglophones have a problem but the problem has been misused by irresponsible people, by debt collectors and I think that Anglophones have to sit down and re-strategize,” Fru Ndi stated, adding that the fighters and their leaders have put him in a confuse state of not knowing what else to do in order to push the regime to resolve the issues.  

“…the people of the NW and SW especially the children outside have put me in a fix…the people outside are sending instructions to the boys fighting in the field. Kill, cut the head, there is no chief, and there should cut children going to school, cut their fingers, cut this and that,” he regretted the current twist of atrocities committed by the Amba fighters all because of infighting among themselves.
Fru Ndi has incessantly appealed to President Paul Biya to end the conflict and make peace with Anglophones
“So, when I say am at a lost it is because we cannot be fighting and you are fighting yourself? Have you seen the way the Ambas are fighting themselves? Have you seen the way the hardened criminals are looting and destroying, stealing property? That in a struggle they will arrest a Cardinal! The Fon of Nso! Drag me on the floor? More so, that I came out from the hospital, it is very unfortunate…” Fru Ndi regretted. 

Speaking earlier during the press dinner during which he also recalled and regretted the obnoxious treatment the media gets from the regime alongside other ills affecting the media, the SDF chairman hinted on plans for him to quit political stage for a younger generation.  

“What I mean is that by July this year I will be 80 years old and at 80 I cannot run around the country like I used to do…politics is a matter of going to the people. I cannot go to the people again and if I cannot go to the people to talk to them, feel, meet the children youth, old, mothers, fathers, farmers, then let somebody else go and keep that flame, that torch,” Fru Ndi said. 

The hint on his plans to step down as party leader could be visible when he failed to run for the October 2018 presidential elections saying it was time for the youth to take up the challenge.

The daring SDF chair promised that the party will continue the fight for change and the advancement of democracy in the country even without him at the fore just like the party has been able to stay through to its founding mission. 

Fru Ndi has served as SDF chairman for the past 31 years. He ran for the 1992, 2004, and 2011 presidential elections as well as missed an opportunity to become senator in 2013 when he headed a list in the North West Region. 

By Doh Bertrand 

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