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Saturday 6 February 2021

Fight against malnutrition: Gov’t Urged To Officialise Documents On Nutrition Policy In Cameroon

Experts and researchers at the fore, fighting to reduce the rate of malnutrition in the country have appealed to government to officialise the delayed policy on nutrition in the country.
Prof. Julius Oben, Renowned Nutrition Expert, Researcher who doubles Co-founder and President, J&A Oben Foundation 
The appeal was made by Prof. Julius Oben, Co-founder and President of the J&A Oben Foundation – a centre that operates a professional school of dietetics and functional foods, nutrition and dietetics research and wellness centres to guide people towards a healthier lifestyle. 

The renowned researcher was speaking Friday 5 February 2021 in Yaounde while closing a four day training seminar the foundation organised for journalist and communicators in partnership with the Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) movement, United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund, UNICEF and the Helen Keler International (HKI). 
Coordinator of J&A Foundation addressing participants at the start of training 
He said though the situation of malnutrition in the country varies from different zones and regions, there is still an alarming rate of 39-40% of kids between 0-5 years being malnourished across the three Northern regions with risk of continuation throughout their lives.

“…malnourished kids who are between the ages of 0-5 years risk being malnourished throughout…if you are malnourished at that age, you cannot develop your full potential,” Prof Oben said while appealing to government to not only continue encouraging but intensify the fight against malnutrition by officialising the nutrition policy. 

“If there is one message that has to go across to government is that let us officialise this policy on nutrition. It has to be done because nutrition is so important. We are talking about health…most of the health/unhealthy situations are related to malnutrition,” Prof Oben pleaded. 

He specifically called on the Prime Minister to sign the policy whose documents have been well prepared and checked by his experts. “…all the documentation is there, please Mr. Prime Minister just sign it, sign it. All your services have done all that needs to be done, all the specialists have worked on it, the document is ready for signature, Mr. Prime Minister please sign it,” he pleaded. 
Journalists, communicators pose with J&A Foundation officials after training on reporting nutrition related issues 
He said just the fact that Cameroon still talks of malnutrition in 2021 alone in the Northern regions is “embarrassing” and points to the fact that either what was supposed to be done is not done or it is done wrongly. 

“That’s why we thought we should try something else by getting journalists and communicators in getting the message across to see if we can have different results,” he revealed motivated them to organise the training.
Prof. Junlius Oben and one of the trainees
He challenged participants to do as much as they can in their different capacities as journalists and communicators to make nutrition to be a major talking point across their organs by making nutrition visible and highlighting the problems of malnutrition and the need for government to do more.

The close to 20 participants who for four days were introduced to fundamentals of nutrition, familiarised with existing regulatory frameworks in the country and beyond, technics of carrying out research and reporting nutrition related issues with key recommendations to target audience among others.
Group awarded for best nutrition article during training 
The trainees expressed satisfaction to the foundation and partners, adding that the knowledge gained would not help them improve their knowledge on nutrition issues but contribute greatly in shaping their reporting on nutrition issues.  
Trainees on the field carrying out field works during four day training 

By Doh Bertrand Nua

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