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Tuesday 2 February 2021

Electricity supply: Turkish Company Pledges To Produce 300 Megawatts Monthly At Low-cost

The port authority of Douala and other surrounding companies might soon begin enjoying steady supply of electricity at very low cost. This follows ongoing negotiations between a Turkish energy company, KARPOWERSHIP and government.
In an audience with Prime Minister and Head of Government Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute, KARPOWERSHIP officials led by its Chief Commercial Officer, Zeynep Harezi, explained the possibility of producing at least 300 megawatts of electricity from a standby ship at the port monthly.

They revealed that the energy will be of low cost as it would cost below FCFA 40 francs per kilowatt. The officials disclosed once negotiations are done with government, they will immediately swing into action. 

The discussions it should be recalled started a year ago with Water and Energy and the Ports authorities. They also disclosed that they are possibilities of injecting into the energy supply lines line in the country. 

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