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Saturday 31 October 2020

Fighting COVID-19: CIMENCAM Supports Gov’t’s Solidarity Fund With FCFA 100M Worth Kits

By Doh Bertrand Nua

Cameroon’s cement production company, CIMENCAM has supported the national solidarity fund created by President Biya to fight Coronavirus with donation of anti-COVID-19-kits worth FCFA 100 million. 

The items were handed earlier this week to the Minister of Public of Health by a delegation led by the company’s chairperson of Board of Directors, former minister, Prof. Pierre Moukoko Mbonjo.

“We have just presented our gifts in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic. As you know the head of state has called for a national effort in the fight against that deadly pandemic. It is a donation of about 100 million which is composed of facemasks, oxygen extractors, reanimation beds and different kits,” Moukoko said, adding that the company has since April been doing their best in fighting the pandemic in different municipalities.  
“We have been acting, offering donations to hospitals, in different parts of the country: in Figuil in the North, Mombo in Moungo Division, in Foumbot in Noun Division in the West region and in the Centre region where we have a new plant in Mbamkomo,” he disclosed. 

The company equally pledged to hand over eight respirators to the Ministry of Public Health by the end of November to add to the 2000 test kits, 15 oxygen extractors and 10 reanimation beds.

Dr. Manaouda Malachie who received the items expressed great satisfaction stating that the items are of great quality and would go a long way to help in the fight against the pandemic.  

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