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Tuesday 12 January 2021

After patients protest, social media outcry: Gov’t ‘Revives’ Bamenda Haemodialysis Center With Brand New Kits

By Doh Bertrand Nua in Yaounde 

Kidney patients in the North West region can now heave a sigh of relief following the donation of brand new haemodialysis machines to the center at the Bamenda regional hospital. 
Dialysis machines supplied by gov't to Bamenda
The items including eight new machines, eight beds, concentrated acid and normal saline was handed to handed to the hospital in the presence of the Director and the Regional Delegate of Public Health Wednesday 6 January 2021. 

It was promised following a protest action from kidney patients in the region. The protest at the Regional Hospital Tuesday 5 January followed conflicting information that was sent out by the Director of the Regional Hospital and the North West Regional Delegate of Public Health.
The President of the Association of people living with kidney failures and Kidney transplant, Mr Mbinglo Francis said it is a serious situation as patients will need to discipline themselves. 

“It will really be difficult for the patients. They need a lot of discipline. They need to minimize drinking water and eating certain foods that contain some toxins. 
Others may have to travel to other centres in other to dylise. You need transportation, you need feeding, you need lodging…it is going to weigh financially”.

The Director of the hospital, Dr Denise Nsame had indicating that the center was temporally shutdown following a breakdown of the machines but the Regional Delegate, Dr Kingsley Che Soh in a another release contested declaration of the director, stressing the centre has not been closed.

“…the haemodialysis machines which have been serving patients for more than eight years now are progressively being replaced by the Minister of Public Health, and the new machines shall go operational in the days ahead,” he said.

Reacting to the confusion that patients were set in by the two officials, Public Health Minister in a tweet, said the centre will receive eight new machines the next morning and tests will be carried out at once.

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