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Sunday 24 January 2021

At reception of relief aid: NW IDPs Express Wish To Return Home, Beg Gov’t To End War

By Doh Bertrand Nua 
Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from villages across the North West Region living in Bamenda have called on government to provide a permanent solution to the armed conflict rocking the region to permit them return to their villages and homes. 
The IDPs expressed the wish at the esplanade of the Governor’s office 19 January 2021. It was during a ceremony to hand over gifts to some 500 IDPs supervised. 

"These items are greatly needed in times like this…we thank the Head of State for thinking about us through the Minister but then what about us returning to our villages, our homes,” one of the visibly worried IDP apparently tired of his status questioned.  

“…we have lived life begging sometimes to survive, some of us are stigmatized. It is time the government resolves this crisis. We need to return home," added the IDP who noted that it is better to return home and start life from afresh than continue live in hopelessness. 

Items to the 500 IDPs included matrasses, blankets, buckets, vegetable oil, savon and the sum of two thousand francs for transport each for a family. 

In his address to the IDPs, Atanga Nji appealed to them to help government by convincing those still on the bushes carrying arms to drop their weapons and regain normal life. 

He assured them of their safety once they choose to willingly leave the bushes. He also presented some five guns which he said were surrendered by some separstist fighters who were convinced into joining the armed conflict in the one of the villages in the region.

The consignment according to the Minister is the Head of State's way of sharing in the sufferings of displaced persons both in the Northwest and Southwest regions. 

Minister Paul Atanga Nji told recipients of the said humanitarian gift that everything is under control and that calm will return in no distant time.

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