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Sunday 10 January 2021

NewsWatch Publisher, Ndi Eugene Ndi Unanimously Voted CAMASEJ Y’de President

By Doh Bertrand Nua in Yaounde

A new team to pilot the affairs of the Yaounde chapter of the Cameroon Association of English Speaking Journalists (CAMASEJ) has been voted into office. The team to be led by the Publisher of NewsWatch Newspaper, Ndi Eugene Ndi was unanimously voted Saturday 9 January 2021
Ndi Eugene Ndi, New CAMASEJ Yaounde Chapter President
Ndi will be assisted by a dynamic team comprising Elise Kenimbeni as Vice President, Claudia Nsono as Secretary General, Louvier Kindo as Deputy SG, Ajumane Akam Francis as Financial Secretary with Fawoh Nancy as deputy. Other members of the executive includes Brenda Yufeh as Treasurer, Amindeh Blaise Atabong as Public Relations Officer, Etienne Mainimo as Social Secretary and Ncha Sally as Auditor.
Newly elected chapter executive
Ndi thanked God Almighty for the inspiring him into taking the challenge to become leader and expressed gratitude on behalf of the entire executive to his “brothers and sisters of the profession” for the confidence bestowed on them.

He promised to immediately swing into action and soft talk those who long abandoned the chapter to return, revive it activities especially monthly meetings and bring back the vibrancy that hitherto exist in the now “slumbering” chapter. He challenged all and sundry to federate forces behind the new team in order to build a better chapter for the good of all.

The specialised investigator of illicit financial flows while harping on his long term plans for the chapter promised to ensure accountability, regular visits to the newsrooms to ensure fair treatment of journalists, establish collaboration with colleagues in and out of the country for exchange visits and experience sharing.
Cross-section of chapter members pose for group picture after hitch free polls
With over a decade experience in practice and with keen interest in investigative reporting especially on forestry and indigenous people’s rights, Ndi, promised to share with colleagues his reach contacts with local organisations that regularly sponsor field reports as well as get them trained on projecting writing that will enable them to win grants from foreign bodies to upgrade their financial status. The Forest Media Award-winning journalist also promised regular refresher trainings for chapter members among others.

Wanchia Cynthia, CAMASEJ National SG who supervised the election saluted the maturity of Yaounde Chapter members which contributed greatly to the smooth and hitch free conduct of the voting process. She said the hitch free polls was an indication that the chapter members are totally behind the new executive.

Wanchia challenged the team to ensure not only continuation but perfection of what was left undone by the outgone team. She hailed gender equality representation in the new team, stating that it will go a long way to empower more women into vying for positions of responsibility in the future.

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