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Monday 11 January 2021

Anglophone crisis: Amba Fighters Have Transformed To Thieves, Highway Robbers – Eyumojock DO

By Doh Bertrand Nua in Yaounde and Nzaih Bweh Parh in Kumba
Ely Etone, Divisional Officer (DO) of Eyumojock Sub Division, Manyu Division in the restive South West region has disclosed that separatist armed gangs passing for liberators of Anglophones have transformed themselves into thieves, highway robbers and tormentors of elderly persons in his area of command. 
Eyumojock DO, Ely Etone
The Administrator made the revelation recently in Eyumojock. He was speaking shortly after supervising the distribution of some humanitarian relief materials sent by the Presidential couple as end-of-year gifts to some inhabitants of the area who fled the armed conflict to live in Nigeria as refugees and in other parts of the country as internally displaced persons (IDPs). 

The items comprised mattresses, blankets, buckets, bathing soap and foodstuffs like rice, sardine, spaghetti, vegetable oil among others. It was aimed at assisting the beneficiaries to start the New Year with smiles on their faces despite the hard times they go through as a result of the conflict.
DO donating to former refugee 
“My only regret today is the fact that most of them (separatist fighters) have transformed themselves into thieves, highway robbers and you name it...that is not what they were meant for,” said the administrator. He further revealed that aside stealing, the separatist fighters have rather resorted to attacking and tormenting elderly persons in the area. 

“Young people should not be tormenting their parents. They should not be tormenting old men. The most recent of it is that they attacked a lady and took money from her. I don’t know how that can grant them independence,” Etone rhetorically questioned. 

The DO appealed to the separatist fighters still carrying weapons in the bushes to surrender, return home and partake in the rebuilding process. He said government will ensure they are gradually reinstated into society to regain normal life. “We are going to direct them and to lead them to succeed in life,” the DO promised.

The administrator used the ceremony to reaffirm Cameroon’s sovereignty and independence in handling her internal issues as well as reminded those fighting to sever the country to create a putative state, governed with the use of social media that their dreams will never come to fruition.

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