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Monday 11 January 2021

Eyumojock Subdivision: Ex-Refugees Hail Mayor Nfufam Ita For Championing Their Return Home

-Eyumojock DO, Ely Etone promises to ensure their safety, urges separatist to surrender 

By Doh Bertrand Nua in Yaoundé with inputs from Nzaih Bweh Parh 
Some inhabitants of Eyumojock Subdivision, Manyu Division in the troubled South West region who fled the armed conflict to live Nigeria as refugees and other parts of the country as internally displaced persons have hailed the efforts of the person they describe as “God sent Mayor” for championing their return home. 
HRH Ntufam Ayamba Jacques Ita, Mayor of Eyumojock
The former refugees and IDPs made the remarks recently in Eyumojock during a ceremony organised to distribute some humanitarian relief materials sent to them by the Presidential couple as end-of-year gifts. 
Mayor Ntufam donating to former refugee 
The items comprising mattresses, blankets, buckets, bathing soap and foodstuffs like rice, sardine, spaghetti, vegetable oil among others were aimed at assisting them to start the New Year with smiles on their faces despite the hard times they go through as a result of the conflict.
Relief items from Biya and wife
“We pray that things should came back the way it was before. We thank God for our DO and for the Mayor God has sent to us. We pray that the good Lord that has used our DO and Mayor to lobby these items for us should continue to use them so that more things will came to us,” said one of the former refugees while narrating his ordeals. 

The father of seven also pleaded on government to see into it that those of them whose houses were burnt are provided makeshift accommodations pending the reconstruction of others to enable them start all over.  
Mayor and DO hailed for championing return to normalcy 
Speaking while welcoming his kith and kin back home during the ceremony, the Mayor of Eyumojock council who doubles as traditional ruler, HRH Ntufam Ayamba Jacques Ita, saluted them for listening to his endless pleas for them to return home. 

He said his heart and that of the ancestors are at ease having them home again, adding that their return will permit him serve better as Mayor. 

“My job as a Mayor is to serve my population and I cannot serve when the population is not there,” Mayor Ntufam said, adding that their continuous stay in Nigeria forced him to lead the “operation come back” with the inspiration and guidance of God Almighty and blessings of the ancestors of the land. 
Mayor addressing his population 
“I am very happy and elated that you all have come back home,” the Mayor told his brothers, sisters and children. He stated that their return does not only gladden his heart but also that of the ancestors. He added that their return signals a new beginning for all and sundry in Eyumojock. 

On his part the Divisional Officer of Eyumojock Sub Division, Ely Etone, who, supervised the distribution of the relief items appealed to separatist fighters still carrying arms in the bushes to surrender, return home and partake in the rebuilding process. 

“We are going to direct them and to lead them to succeed in life,” the DO said while regretting the fact that most of the separatists have transformed themselves into thieves, highway robbers and other criminals. 

“That is not what they were meant for. Young people should not be tormenting their parents. They should not be tormenting old men. The most recent of it is that they attacked a lady and took money from her. I don’t know how that can grant them independence,” Etone rhetorically questioned.
Ely Etone, DO of Eyumojock
The administrator reaffirmed Cameroon’s sovereignty and independence in handling her issues while reminding those fighting to sever the country and create a putative state run over social media that their dreams will never come to fruition. 

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