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Thursday 11 February 2021

Youngest NW Parliamentarian Urges Junior MPs To Be Peace Crusaders

By Doh Bertrand
The youngest Member of Parliament (MP) from the North West region has urged junior Parliamentarians drawn from the twenty constituencies of the region to be exemplary peace crusaders and development champions.
Hon. Agho Oliver addressing junior MPs from the NWR
Hon. Agho Oliver made the call Thursday 11 February 2021 at the Hotel des Deputes in Yaounde. The lawmaker from Bafut/Tubah constituency was speaking during an audience he granted the junior MPs from the region.
Hon. Agho Oliver, colleagues pose in group pic with junior NW MPs
Agho said the decision to receive the young MPs was driven by the desire to exchange ideas with them on recent developments on the ground, mentor them on how to go about their one year mandate as young MPs as well as size up their expectations and plan of actions among others.

“I invited you people here to give you some advice because in life, if you don’t have someone who holds your hands to direct you on how to move, you are bound to make mistakes,” Agho said while congratulating them on their selection among thousands to serve as junior MPs.

While harping on the need for the young MPs to adopt the virtue of patience as highlighted by the Head of State in his address to youth, Hon. Agho, recalled his days of humble beginnings to the young MPs as well as underscored the need for youth to uphold values of patriotism, civic behaviour among others.
“I am where I am today because someone held my hands. I know what it means to relate. I have been mentored. As young people, if you don’t learn manners, learn how to relate and how to function, you won’t succeed,” he said while advising them on the need to perfectly liaise with lawmakers from their area.
“…the first thing to do is to identify with the MPs from your constituency. You have to respect them, consult them to find out their activities on the ground before embarking on anything,” Hon. Agho recommended, adding that the young MPs must at all times seek advice from their lawmakers on public appearance.

He warned them to shun cocky behaviours once they return to their constituencies, remain respectful to all and be role models for other young people. He urged them to liaise with municipal, regional, traditional and administrative authorities for the development of the region.
Hon. Agho and colleagues advising young NW MPs
Agho advised them to see how to contribute to the return to peace and normalcy in their areas in their own little way as recommended by the President of the Republic, Paul Biya. He assured that their worries will be discussed with the Questor from the NW so as to better see how they can meet with them and chart a way forward in Bamenda.

The reception which comes at the end of the 4th edition of Youth Parliamentary session in Yaounde was attended by other NW MPs including Honorables Ngang Prodencia Awa of Momo East (Mbengwi), Kumase Simon Powoh of Mezam South (Santa) and Nestus Fru Manju of Mezam Centre.

The law makers pledged to fully support the junior MPs in all their activities and to always liaise with them to ensure the return to peace in all the constituencies. 
They unanimously enjoined the junior MPs to preach peace to their peers and see how they can lure youth carrying arms in the bushes to surrender, give peace a chance, resume normal life and join in the reconstruction of the region.

On behalf of his peers, the President of the NW junior MPs, Ngafue Marcel Robwoh from Ngoketunjia North Constituency, saluted Hon. Agho Oliver for the wonderful initiative of receiving and providing them with operational directives and promised to extend the knowledge acquired to youth in the region.
President of Junior NW MPs pose with Hon. Agho Oliver
“We are going back to the region with a lot of knowledge acquired on different aspects especially moral values…it is our duty as young MPs to contribute to nation building as indicated by the President in his address to youth,” Ngafue promised.

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