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Tuesday 2 February 2021

January cabinet meeting: PM Emphasizes On Execution Of Growth, Employment Projects

The Prime Minister has urged members of government to pay attention to the realization of priority projects in their respective ministries in order to make the implementation of the 2020-2030 national development strategy effective. 
Chief Dr. Joseph Dion Ngute gave the instructions while chairing the cabinet meeting for the month of January. He said the priority projects like agricultural development, transformation, infrastructure, telecoms, and energy in the national development strategy has high potential to power growth and employment. 

Featuring during the meeting was a presentation from the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey on the structural transformation needed by government for the development policy to succeed. 

The implementation of government’s import substitution plan for 2021 as well as procedures for the payment of compensation to victims for energy projects were also examined during the session. 

“The Head of State has given instructions that we should encourage the production of our things as rice, maize, fish, and meat and so on. This is what we are going to do. What we have done as far as the budget of 2021 is concern is that we have found 50 billion so as to enable the policy to be implemented. This will enable things to go smoothly,” explained Finance Minister, Louis Paul Motaze.  

The session also examined government’s response to the COID-19 pandemic as well as the vaccination against the pandemic that has so far affected 30313 with a 95% recovery rate.

“The vaccination is important for our people. Our epidemiological situation can permit us to stay back for two, three and four months to see the development of the situation in the world before going for the vaccination. But we have done all preparation as far as we have received the high instructions of the Head of State through the PM,” said Dr Manaouda of Public health. 

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